

  • A set is a collection of (mathematical) elements.
  • Sets are typically denoted by uppercase italic letters, such as \mathcal{X} and \mathcal{Y} .
  • Sets are a cornerstone of all mathematics, for example to define functions and probability distributions.

Discrete and continuous sets

A discrete set is a set of countable elements. We denote the discrete elements by \{..\}.


\mathcal{X} = \{0, 1, 2, .., n\} (non-negative integers up to n )

\mathcal{X} = \{up,down,left,right\} (arbitrary elements)

\mathcal{X} = \{0,1\}^d (d-dimensional binary space)

A continuous set is a set of connected (uncountable) numbers.


\mathcal{X} =[2, 11] (all real numbers between 2 and 11)

\mathcal{X} = \mathbb{R} (the real line)

\mathcal{X} = [0,1]^d (d-dimensional hypercube)

Conditioning a set

We can condition within a set by using : or |.


The probability k-simplex, which we use to define a discrete probability distribution over k categories, is given by:

\mathcal{X}=\{ \mathbf{x} \in [0,1]^k | \sum_{i=1}^k \mathbf{x}_i=1 \}

This means that \mathbf{x} in this space is a vector of length k , consisting of entries between 0 and 1, with the restriction that the vector sums to 1.

Cardinality and dimensionality

We need to distinguish the cardinality and dimensionality of a set:

  • The cardinality (size) counts the number of elements in a set, for which we write |\mathcal{X}| .
  • The dimensionality counts the number of dimensions in the set/space \mathcal{X} , for which we write \text{Dim}(\mathcal{X}) .


– The discrete set \mathcal{X}=\{0,1,2\} has cardinality |\mathcal{X}|=3 and dimensionality \text{Dim}(\mathcal{X})=1 .

– The discrete space \mathcal{X}=\{0,1\}^4 has cardinality |\mathcal{X}|=2^4=16 and dimensionality \text{Dim}(\mathcal{X})=4 .

Cartesian product

We can combine two sets/spaces by taking the Cartesian product, denoted by \times , which consist of all the possible combinations of elements in the first and second set:

\mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{Y} = \{ (x,y) | x \in \mathcal{X}, y \in \mathcal{Y} \}

We can also combine discrete and continuous spaces through Cartesian products.


– Assume \mathcal{X} = \{20,30\} and \mathcal{Y} = \{0,1\} . Then the Cartesian product \mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{Y} = \{(20,0),(20,1),(30,0),(30,1) \} .

– Assume \mathcal{X} = \mathbb{R} and \mathcal{Y} = \mathbb{R}^2. Then the Cartesian product \mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{Y} = \mathbb{R}^3 .